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Dateline Washington – Hydroxychloroquine

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At times Sri Lanka or the East not leading in the Technical Arena can bear an advantage. For example Television became a reality in Sri Lanka after approximately quarter of a century after the Television advent in the West, but that also brought about the advantage of enjoying Color Television straightaway. Also the West was all in with the plastic bags to realize our old fashion natural fiber material the way to go to protect the environment. The objective of presenting such facts up front is to encourage us to come out of cookie cutter style thinking.
There is the debate whether the Corona Virus started in the Wet Market or Bio Lab in Wu Han. Also whether it was purposely created or inadvertently evolved in the lab while conducting micro biology experiments.
While the pandemic was a curse for the human race throughout the globe, this pandemonium created a situation that the world did not know whom to trust and could not even recognize who are the experts in the medical arena. The worldwide mistrust I would say started on January 14, 2020 when WHO Tweeted “There is no human to human transmission” I like to invite others to correct me on the following:
Generally a whole lot of people will cry Trump is the liar but when the dust settles, we find Trump is much closer to the truth than the other side or Trump is in the right side of the Law. The following scenarios not only made Trump a central figure but also pushed him to a precarious situation. It seems to me everyone else is saying one thing and President Trump another. This is more strikingly evident with the back and forth dialogue between President Trump and CDC director Dr. Anthony Fauci. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are not in the same page. If I am allowed to use the common phrase Dr. Fauci “got caught pants down” when he was adamantly skeptical about Hydroxychloroquine a 70 year old drug suggesting lack of clinical studies but was fine with Remdesivir with less than 6 month of clinical studies with a cost of approximately $3000 a regimen. At least one would question whether this is “money talks”.
As for me personally, politicians lying is one thing but when a Physician is not truthful the peril is even more diabolical. It looks to me, not only Dr. Fauci but many others in CDC and the top brasses in USA and also International Medical Arena have the stand: “It doesn’t matter how many deaths as long as we kill Trump”. In the larger scheme of things I can bring in multiple examples. Dr. Rick Bright who was doing research on Hydroxychloroquine suddenly turned against Trump. Than yet another baffling statement was made by CDC Director Robert Redfield saying Masks will provide more protection than a vaccine less than three months before the vaccine was perfected. Isn’t it strange to announce the vaccine is ready a week after the election? Now the word comes out the vaccine was perfected before the election but it was waiting for the “so called President Elect Joe Biden” to show up. In fact President Trump at the last stage of the campaign said: “we will have the vaccine in weeks, perhaps even before the election”. Who says “Channda Gunndu” is only a specialty in Sri Lanka?
When people are dropping dead like flies Trump said “we should allow doctors to prescribe Hydroxychloroqune: “What are you going to lose” I wish Trump did not say that, because the Trump derangement syndrome is so venomous, it is astounding that this lifesaving drug was prevented to reach the dying population or use it as a precautionary measure. My point here is if Trump never uttered that the whole world would have been using this miracle but inexpensive medicine saving hundreds of thousands of lives.
To counter the negative reports it is ironical that as early as Wednesday March 25th 2020, Sean Hannity world renowned right wing radio talk show host announced over the airwaves: “Look at the world map wherever Malaria is rampant there is minimal Corona or no Corona”. As a person who spent my youth in such remote areas in Asia and the Pacific including Papua New Guinea, because of my job function, this rigidly stuck to my brain.
Many months later report after report with real life data came out to show that most of the negative reports on Hydroxychloriquine was and still are, purposefully misleading. After continuous challenging there were some embarrassing retractions on such bias reports. Dr. Sanjay Gupta miserably stammered with his pretence, essentially to betray his profession and to be loyal to his paymaster CNN.
Notorious Veterans’ Affairs Study evidently skewed the variables to get the desired results. Twenty plus Corona deaths in Brazil after given Hydroychloroquine, later to discover extremely high doses were given for the patients who were already on deathbed – widely reported
Following are only portion of evidence to recommend using Hydroxychloroquine
California – Dr. Daniel Wallace Lupus and Rheumatologist for 42 years. With 2000 patients No severe side effects.
New York – Dr.. Vladaimir Zelenko Regimen used Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Zinc Sulpher for 350 patients no deaths 3 were hooked to ventilators, unknown whether they recovered.
Dr. Oz stands by a French research by Dr. Didier Raoult for 1000 patients. Complications are minimal like rashes.
Also there was a research in South Korea but we do not have the results.
Over 9 million through Medicare and Medicade records, identified 14,000 Lupus patients taking Hydroxychloroquine none with coronavirus.
Therefore my advice for Sri Lanka is “let us cut through the political barriers and noise to save precious lives. Even now it is not too late.

-Sumith DeSilva

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