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Vesak Day Almsgiving hosted at Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in New York

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Celebrating the significance of Vesak week, the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in New York hosted an almsgiving to the Buddhist Monks in the Tri-State area on 14th May 2024. 20 monks representing Buddhist Viharas around New York, which included New York Buddhist Vihara, Staten Island Buddhist Vihara Meditation Center & Healing Garden, New Jersey Buddhist Vihara, Long Island Buddhist Meditation Centre, the New England Buddhist Vihara and Meditation Centre, Mahamevna Buddhist Meditation Centers of New York & New Jersey and Connecticut Meditation Center/Connecticut Buddhist Vihara graced the occasion and blessed the Ambassador and the mission team for their continued progress.
The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in New York is also organizing the International Day of Vesak 2024 in coordination with the Permanent Mission of Thailand in New York, in the ECOSOC Chamber of the United Nations on 20th May 2024.
This year’s Vesak Day celebrations will be special as its marks the 25th Anniversary of the adoption of the historic Resolution 54/115 titled “International Recognition of the Day of Vesak.” The commemorations in the UN will consist of statements by high level dignitaries including the Secretary General of the United Nations, President of the General Assembly and Foreign Ministers of Sri Lanka and Thailand in addition to those of the Member States. A blessing and sermon representing Mahayana and Theravada traditions respectively will also be held during this event.
The International Day of Vesak celebrations will be live web-cast through UN Web TV for the general public.

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